This design was inspired by my friend Erica Kahoon. She draws really adorable characters, her work will be showcased in my upcoming comic Strange Things.
As a child I was always terrified of hot air balloons. To this day they give me the willies! There is something creepy about them. I recall one Thanksgiving as a child we were watching the Macy's day parade and Spiderman sprung a leak. I thought it was the end of the world. Not because I have a fancy for comics. This vibrant bohemoth was uncontrollable and was on a rampage! Well not really but I was a kid what do you expect!
P.S. Be sure to check out Erica's work at
TTL, Bryan Moss
This painting was completed in September of 2007. I really enjoyed this piece and the energy behind it. I was inspired by a Guy Peellaert comic called Pravda la Survireuse. This comic was introduced to me by my friend Jeff Sims. If you come across this book don't pass it up! It's rare and very pricey.
TTL, Bryan Moss
Who doesn't love Wolverine! This is a design I did over the summer. The reason for posting this image is so people can have a point of reference, something familiar. A "Kawaii" Tin robot yesterday. Wolverine in a berserk with blood on his face?
I'm still not sure what I was thinking. Why is Wolverine always so angry? I'm going to draw a picture of Wolverine doing something nice like picking flowers or jumping rope.
TTL, Bryan Moss
Hello world o'bloggers, I've decided to start a blog of my art. Join me on this journey as I bring you a picture a day. Most of the images that I'll be posting will be art from my T-shirts and comics that I've worked on in my spare time. So enjoy and post comments please.
This first design is of a Tin Robot "as you can see". This isn't my typical style but when doing T-shirts anything goes. This is what the young people are into. LOL
TTL, Bryan